Talk topic: Supernova! Ever wonder where the iron in our blood came from? From the Earth, of course. But where did the Earth get it? The surprising answer is that all the elements heavier than helium were formed in stars. Iron was formed in the core of a massive star and was spread into space when that star exploded in a supernova. What about the carbon in our tissues, the calcium and other minerals our bodies need? Those came from stars, too. The oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere? Yup, from stars. Why do stars explode? In this talk we’ll explore these questions and many more.
This is an interactive talk, with activities for participants.
Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly.