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Become a Member

Founded in 1956, the mission of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club is to promote the enjoyment of amateur astronomy through education, meetings, and public outreach.

Become a Member

Founded in 1956, the mission of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club is to promote the enjoyment of amateur astronomy through education, meetings, and public outreach.

Welcome to the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club

The LHAAC promotes the enjoyment of amateur astronomy through public star parties, education, and meetings.  We host 10 public star parties each year at White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield, Connecticut.  Most star parties begin with a talk on an interesting topic, followed by a discussion of what’s visible tonight.  Then, if the weather is cooperative, we do some star and planet gazing.  All are welcome.  No prior knowledge of astronomy is required – just curiosity.

Please see the calendar for dates and talk topics.  If no events are shown please see our calendar at NASA’s Night Sky Network.

On request, we also do stargazing events and presentations for libraries, schools, scout groups and community service organizations.  You can get in touch via our contact page.  The club meets on the second Friday of each month except July at 7:30pm at 5 Points Arts Center, located at 855 University Drive in Torrington, CT, (the former UConn campus), usually in Room 130.  Visitors are always welcome in person or via Zoom.

Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club