On 12/21/2020 the club learned that much loved and founding member Paul Pompa had passed away the previous day. Below are some words from the secretary about Paul’s involvement with the club.

Paul was one of the founding members of LHAAC in 1956, was active for many years and served several years as president. He knew the sky like the back of his hand, was a fount of club history as well as star lore, and had an unlimited supply of corny jokes. Above is a picture of Paul and Joe Zimmerman, another founding member, taken in 2007 (Paul is on the left). For the club’s 55th anniversary, we gave Joe and Paul plaques commemorating their long time membership. (Joe died in 2018.) Long-time members like Pete, Mark and Dave knew Paul longer than I and can tell lots of Paul stories.

Paul attended meetings and star parties faithfully; he was at the club’s January 2020 meeting, the last in-person meeting before the pandemic, and sent in his ballot voting for club officers in May. He could always be counted on for a witty remark at a meeting or star party. We will miss him.
Paul’s obituary can be found by visiting this link