Club Meeting 11-13-15
Center Congregational Church 155 Main St, Torrington, CT, United StatesRegular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Regular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Talk topic: Supernova! What’s a Supernova and why does it matter? Come to the last star party of 2015 and find out! Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress […]
Regular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Regular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Regular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Talk topic: Telescopes 101 by Russ Leonard. Telescopes 101, will include how telescopes of various types work, the history of telescopes and lens making and the advantages and disadvantages of the many different types of telescopes. The presentation will be geared towards astronomical use of the telescope, however, I will also touch on the differences between […]
Space Rocks! Is the sky really falling? Thomas Jefferson once remarked that he would sooner believe that Yankee (meaning Yale) professors would lie than that stones could fall from the sky. Well, rocks do fall from the sky. After hurtling through space for eons, meteorites survive a fiery passage through the atmosphere and crash land […]
Regular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.
Talk topic: Astronomy 101 — how the sky works. Ever wonder why some constellations are only visible in the winter? What’s the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse? Come to this month’s star party and find out! Talk starts in the AB Ceder room at the time noted. After the talk there […]
Regular club meeting. Visitors are always welcome.