Star Party 7-20-18

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

We are delighted to announce that Marc D’Antonio is coming to Litchfield to give a talk at our star party on 7/20.  Marc is well-known around the U.S. as a speaker and will discuss the ongoing search for exo-planets with updates on the newest findings.  He is also an image analyst who frequently appears on […]

Star Party 8-17-18

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: to be announced. Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly.

Star Party 9-22-18

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Solar Viewing at Family Nature Day. Weather permitting, we will hold our annual event inviting attendees to look at sunspots, solar prominences and flares, if any.

Star Party 10-19-18

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: Astro-imaging, about the fun and challenges of taking high-quality images of planets, star clusters and galaxies. Recent images taken by members of the club will be featured.  We’ll have our exclusive 2019 calendars with images by club members available.  The talk starts in the AB Ceder room.  After the talk there will be […]

Starlight: Astronomy meets art

Five Points Gallery 33 Main St, Torrington, CT, United States

Gallery show at Five Points Gallery Annex from November 16th through the 25th. Opening night reception is Friday, November 16th 6-8:30pm (refreshments will be served). Come to see photographs of galaxies, nebula, planets, the moon, and even the Aurora Borealis! Members of the Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy club will be available opening night and select […]

Star Party 11-16-18

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: Mars – Red Storm rising!  In this new talk, Pete discusses the enormous dust storm that covered the planet and obscured the view during much of this year’s Mars opposition. The talk starts in the AB Ceder room.  After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the […]

Star Party 2-22-19

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: astronomy 001 – How the sky Works. An introduction to the motion of the Earth, length of the day, why there are seasons, etc. Free, open to the public. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even […]

Star Party 3-22-19

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: Supernova!  Ever wonder where the iron in our blood came from?  From the Earth, of course.  But where did the Earth get it?  The surprising answer is that all the elements heavier than helium were formed in stars.  Iron was formed in the core of a massive star and was spread into space […]

Star Party 4-26-19

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic:  The Astronomy of Stonehenge. The massive stones of Stonehenge have been an enigma for millennia and attract tens of thousands of visitors each year. After centuries of archaeological investigation, we have learned who built them and when they were first erected.  In the 1960s astronomer Gerald Hawkins analyzed the layout of the stones […]

Star Party 5-24-19

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: to be announced. Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly.

Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club