Star Party at White Memorial 6-19-20

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: to be announced. Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly.

Star Party at White Memorial 7-17-20

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Talk topic: to be announced. Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly.

Star Party at White Memorial 8-21-20

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Due to the pandemic no talks are being held.  There will be stargazing if the weather permits.  Free; open to the public. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly.  If the weather is bad the event is canceled, so check the forecast […]

Star Party at White Memorial 9-26-20

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

Unfortunately, white Memorial has canceled this year’s Family Nature Day, so we won’t do our usual Solar Viewing at Family Nature Day.  Usually, weather permitting, we set up solar telescopes and invite attendees to look at sunspots, solar prominences and flares, if any.

Star Party at White Memorial 11-19-21

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

As we are not able to do indoor events there will be no talk this month, but there will be stargazing if the weather permits.  Free; open to the public.  Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.  Dress warmly, as even in the summer it may be chilly. Please see our COVID response […]

Virtual Star Party at White Memorial 2-5-21

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

(Note: Talk via Zoom & FB – See to register) Talk topic: Astronomy 001 – How the sky works. Ever look at the sky and wonder why the stars rise in the East and set in the West? For that matter, why does the Sun rise in the East? Why not the North, or […]

Star Party at White Memorial 2-19-21

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

No talk – observing only – at the observatory; canceled if the weather is bad (there will NOT be a notice)

Virtual Star Party at White Memorial 3-5-21

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

(Note: Talk via Zoom & FB – See to register) Talk topic: The exploration of Mars. Three spacecraft arrived at Mars in February 2021. We’ll cover the those missions, their objectives, and the rovers.

Star Party at White Memorial 3-19-21

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

No talk – observing only – at the observatory; canceled if the weather is bad (there will NOT be a notice)

Virtual Star Party at White Memorial 4-2-21

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield, CT, United States

(Note: Talk via Zoom & FB – See to register) Talk topic: Asteroids – leftovers or ?

Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club