Latest Past Events

Star Party at White Memorial 11-17-23

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield

Talk topic: Annual Astro-imaging roundup: an introduction to astro-imaging and display of images made by club members. Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Observing will be at the club’s observatory on the grounds of White Memorial. Club members will use the club’s telescopes […]

Star Party at White Memorial 10-20-23

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield

Talk topic: to be announced. Talk starts in the AB Ceder room. After the talk there will be stargazing if the weather permits. Observing will be at the club’s observatory on the grounds of White Memorial. Club members will use the club’s telescopes to show the wonders of the night sky and describe objects of […]

Star Party at White Memorial 9-23-23

White Memorial Conservation Center 80 Whitehall Rd, Litchfield

Solar Viewing at Family Nature Day. Weather permitting, we will hold our annual event inviting attendees to look at sunspots, solar prominences and flares, if any. Club members bring solar telescopes to allow safe viewing of the Sun.

Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy Club